We have reveiwed every link, but you do understand that we have no control over their contents, right?
We have done our best to only supply you with good links that have lots of content, if you find a broken link, or any other problem, contact the webmaster.
Oh, and by the way, every link will open in a new window.
I've updated all the links, got rid of the dead ones etc...(4-7-03)
Would you like a REVOLT banner for your site? Click here!
Revolt quote page
They told the truth... A great collection of quotes.
The all important documents
US Constitution, link 1
US Constitution, link 2
US Constitution, link 3
The federalist papers
The anti-federalist papers
Politics and history
Digital Angel and VeriChip info
Militia of Montana lots of good stuff to read and tons of links.
BELLIGERENT 'CLAIMANT' PAGE interesting reading. A bit over my head, and too many ads for me, but it's worth a look.
Echelon is a giant government computer that snoops on you! read about it here.
Cody Express a great site dealing with the 2nd Amendment and gun rights, as well as freedom in general.
History: Antebellum America this and the next link are two parts of the same history site...
History: Postbellum America - 1900 tons of great stuff to read.
InfoWars Homepage, Internet home of Alex Jones.
Operation Vampire Killer 2000 online!
The American Freedom Fighter manual A good starting point if you are new to the whole 'patriot' thing.
They Told The Truth a great page of quotes.
The Skolnick Report very good reading material.
American Police State"the state of the 21st century." Good information site
Survival Arts website, I haven't gotten through all of it, but it looks great
Militias on the web
I'm only posting links to militias that I positively know are active at this time...If you are in a militia, email me and I will gladly post a link.
High desert Militia of Southern California
Virginia Citizen's Militia
The Patriot Underground (Nevada)
New Jersey Militia
Militia of Washington County (Arkansas)
Militia of East Tennessee
Michigan Militia
Kentucky State Militia (Free Kentucky)
Indiana Citizens Volunteer Militia
Southeastern Indiana Patriots
Army of the Union of States
Georgia Militia homepage
Gear related
Cheaper Than Dirt online catalog. Just what the name says:)
US Cav online catalog. Excellent selection, fair pricing, and some of the fastest shipping you'll ever see.
LightFighter.com online catalog. Patriot owned - buy from him!!. Top of the line gear.
Lone Fox Trader Makers of fine patches, pins and t-shirts. Custom work too!
Red Star Arms sells US parts for AK47 type rifles.
K VAR US parts for AK47 types
AKER Leather makes some of the nicest holsters and accessories around.
ACE LTD. Quality AK parts and accessories.
Link to the Kobra sight for the AK series.
Shepherd Scopes
J&G Sales
IMS plus, International Military Surplus site. Good prices, good quality, fast shipping - recommended.
Training related
We need more links for this category! send 'em in!
The Patriot War College is one of the greatest training and information sites you'll ever see.
The REVOLT training page
Southeastern Indiana Patriots training page. This is a direct link to the SIP training page, the link to the main site is under the milita heading.
Gunsite One of the best places to go for firearms training.
Thunder Ranch firearms training facility.
Survival and Self Sufficiency
JRH Enterprises
The Survivalist
The 'Food Insects' Newsletter if you are really serious about survival, you should subscribe:) Many good articles on what to eat, how to eat it and how to raise insects at home!
Iowa State University's Tasty Insect Recipies Really!
Backwoods Home Magazine online.
Survival Center of McKenna, Wa America's Oldest Continually Operating Survival Center
Captian Dave's Survival Center
AquaRain drip filters I recommend them!
Braintan.com a great resource for those interested in making buckskin and leather.
Lehmans non-electric catalog
Abby's Best"Abbys Best is the leader in storable and dehydrated foods"
Alpine Aire is probably one of the most recognized names in dehydrated foods...
The country store more long term and dehydrated foodstuffs.
Eagle peak container co. to store your food:)
Emergency essentials another big name in long term food.
Harvest Ladle makers of dehydrated foods.
LDP camping foods retailer of Mountain House, Alpine Aire, Adventure foods, etc.
Emergency survival food service another retailer of dehydrated foods.
Field Manuals Online
FM 21-75 Combat skills of the soldier
FM 21-76 Survival
FM 23-10 Sniper training
FM 31-70Basic Cold Weather Manual
FM 31-71 Northern Operations
BBS systems and chat
Assault Web BBS
AK-47.net forums and chat
Government and Political Parties
FEMA the FEMA homepage.
Libertarian Party
Republican Party
I don't think anyone reading this will want a link, but here's the Democratic party

You can submit a link or report a dead one to the webmaster here.